ATAR Notes QCE Survival Guide
The uncertainty of the QCE today is perhaps the biggest challenge facing high-school students. And the challenge lies in not just being able to walk in and out of an exam room in one piece, but to learn how best to operate within the system and how to keep your cool. But have no fear – the QCE Survival Guide is here!
This book takes you up-close and personal with two of Australia’s best tutors. Collectively, they have helped thousands of students better their results and feel more confident in their studies. Now, in one place, you can discover all of their best advice and tap into the same knowledge that helped them succeed in school and beyond.
In this book you’ll learn:
- How ATARs and scaling work
- How to handle the pressure of QCE
- How to stay organised and motivated
- How to actually ‘study smart’
- How to ace your internals and exams
- Format: Paperback
- Series: ATAR Notes
- Publisher: ATAR Notes
- Subject: Study Guides
- Audience: Secondary
- Curriculum: Australian
- Year Level: Year 11, Year 12