Indigenous Art Collection
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This set is a comprehensive collection of Indigenous Art compiled, drawn, and directed by Trevor Fourmile. The line art has been inspired by Trevor’s country to show the animals and plants, the landscape, and the culture and beliefs, to inspire and give insight into Trevor’s life.
The use of this resource can cover many aspects of classroom activities. Here are a few examples:
Art and Craft. There is no chance of running out of ideas for craft activities with this collection. A class project can be to make a wall fresco of a specific topic or design with contributions from the whole class. Each student can be given a section of the wall on which to contribute a line art drawing. A copy of that specific item can be given to a student or group to complete. The guidance of the teacher and age of the students will help determine what can be achieved. A fresco can be created from coloured and cut-out pieces or can be drawn freehand.
The borders of the display can be done using the multitude of border examples provided. A discussion on the specific use of a border and its topic can enhance the value of the lesson from one of simple artistic display. Labelling and writing a sentence about each of these drawings can add a lot more value.
Social Studies. Symbols and pictographs included in a diorama can be used to explore the foundations and importance of writing. Trevor has included pictographs of representations of water, people, places, and objects. These could be compiled to make a story from the symbols and pictographs.
Mapping can be a part of the activities. A map including the symbols and line art could form a story compiled by the students. This will give the students insight into the culture and its significance to the First Peoples. Lastly, we cannot underestimate the aesthetic qualities of colour use which will produce a fine art piece.
Students can also explore the concepts of shared responsibility and ‘caring for country.’ Discussions might include: How is ‘caring for country’ different to land ownership today? How did the First Nations people see the land and resources in comparison with today’s private ownership? Who cares for the country today?
Environmental Studies. The range of animals and plants outlined can be part of the discussion as to the maintenance of biodiversity. How did the First Peoples occupy Australia for 65,000 years without causing mass extinctions? How were they able to live off the sea and land without exhausting the resources? What was the importance of animal totems and beliefs attached to the use of food sources? Water and its sources – how were these protected from being poisoned and overused?
For further details – please read on.