Pearson English 10 Student Book and Activity Book with eBook
Author: Dunscombe, Roger
This pack contains 1 copy of Pearson English 10 Student Book, Pearson English 10 Activity Book and access to eBook.
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The access code will give 15 months access to the eBook from the date of activation.
How do I activate my eBook?
When you purchase your eBook, it will come with an access code. This code will be emailed to you. If you purchase a printed book with eBook, it will come with its eBook access code inside the cover.
To activate your code, you'll need to log in to pearsonplaces.com.au. If you don't have an account you will need to create one at pearsonplaces.com.au. Once you have logged into pearsonplaces.com.au click on the 'Add product' button in your bookshelf. Type in your 12 digit access code and click 'Verify product now.
For further help, download the 'How to activate my eBook' guide.
About the Series:
We started with a question: what makes a good English lesson? Pearson English has been built from the ground up to answer that question, using the people who would know best. We sourced teachers as authors, ran focus groups with teachers from government, independent and Catholic schools and tested all material in classrooms.
The result is the most comprehensive English series, written, reviewed and tested by English teachers. All texts have been independently audited by practising teachers in over 90 hours of revisions and improvements, ensuring that the final content is uniformly excellent and matches the content and assessment requirements of the Australian Curriculum. And our thorough trials mean that you can be sure the texts, tasks and activities are classroom ready.
There is an amazing range of texts covering traditional and non-traditional options, including fiction and non-fiction, newspapers, letters, graphic novels, animations, manga, poetry, short stories and plays which also include unique Indigenous and Asia-Pacific literature.
- Format: Quantity pack
- Series: Pearson English
- Publication Date: 23/10/2015
- Publisher: Pearson Education Australia
- Subject: English, Textbooks and Workbooks
- Audience: Secondary
- Curriculum: Australian
- Year Level: Year 10