Pearson Chemistry Queensland 12 Student Book, eBook and Skills & Assessment Book 9781488685767

Pearson Chemistry Queensland 12 Student Book, eBook and Skills & Assessment Book

Author: Holmes, Nick

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The best-practice literacy and instructional design supports all learners. A simple to navigate, predictable design enables ease of use. The high quality, relevant photos and illustrations assist the student understanding.

Introducing the Pearson Chemistry Queensland 12 Skills and Assessment Book. Fully aligned to the new QCE 2019 Syllabus.

Write in Skills and Assessment Book written to support teaching and learning across all requirements of the new Syllabus, providing practice, application and consolidation of learning.

Opportunities to apply and practice performing calculations and using algorithms are integrated throughout worksheets, practical activities and question sets. All activities are mapped from the Student Book at the recommend point of engagement in the teaching program, making integration of practice and rich learning activities a seamless inclusion.

Developed by highly experienced and expert author teams, with lead Queensland specialists who have a working understand what teachers are looking for to support working with a new syllabus.

Student Book features:

  • The all new Chapter 1 Skills and Assessment Toolkit is accessible via the Student Book Reader+ and provides guidance and advice on how to successfully prepare for and respond to all assessment tasks and skill requirements. Includes scaffolded support, examples and practice to prepare for responding to assessment requirements.
  • The Syllabus subject matter addressed in each chapter is clearly listed, along with any Science as a Human Endeavour features and Mandatory Practicals.
  • Module openers outline the key concepts and skills to be developed and link to the syllabus subject matter listed in the Chapter opener.
  • The SHE feature provides an opportunity for students to appreciate the development of science and its use and influence on society. The SHE features provide a segway into the development of claims and research questions for the Research Investigation.
  • Case studies provide opportunities to engage with current applications and research in chemistry and address essential syllabus objectives beyond typical learning and understanding conventions. Case studies develop skills in analysing, interpreting, evaluating, decision-making and predicting. Skills are modelled for students in the case studies and then learning is applied in the case study review.
  • Highlight features focus students' attention on important information such as key definitions, formulae and salient points.
  • Worked Examples use sequential steps of thinking and working to enhance student understanding of subject matter. Each Worked Example is followed by a Try Yourself task where students apply their learning to a mirrored problem. Fully worked solutions to all Try Yourself problems are available on Pearson Chemistry 12 Queensland Teacher Reader+
  • A Skillbuilder outlines a method or technique. Each is instructive and self-contained. Skillbuilders step students through the skill to support science application, required when analysing or utilising knowledge.
  • Each module concludes with a summary to help students consolidate the key points and concepts.
  • Key instructions are provided to test students' understanding of concepts of the module. Tasks are carefully categorised under the relevant cognitive level; Retrieval, Comprehension, Analysis and are developed to assess the syllabus requirements.
  • Each chapter finishes with a list of key terms covered in the chapter and a set of tasks to test students' abilities to apply the knowledge gained from the chapter.
  • Each Unit finishes with a comprehensive set of exam-style instructions, including multiple choice and extended response. These review tasks assist students to draw together their knowledge and understanding of the whole unit.
  • Key terms are shown in bold throughout the Student Book and are listed at the end of each chapter. A comprehensive glossary at the end of the book defines all the key terms. The glossary aligns with the syllabus context and includes the QCAA defined terminology.
  • Comprehensive answers and fully worked solutions for all module review tasks, Try Yourself, Science as a Human Endeavour, Case Studies, chapter reviews and Unit reviews are provided via the Teacher Reader+ eBook.
  • Icons make important links to relevant content within the student books and the Skills & Assessment Books.
  • Format: Quantity pack
  • Series: Pearson Chemistry Queensland
  • Publication Date: 04/07/2019
  • Publisher: Pearson Education Australia
  • Subject: Science, Chemistry
  • Audience: Secondary
  • Curriculum: QLD
  • Year Level: Year 12

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